09 August 2014

Sani Epilogue

Jerome - We woke up at the end of a epic week at Camelroc Guest Farm after crossing over Lesotho the day before as if the last few days were just a dream. But we were sore and tired.

Magda -  Although I had slept extremely well every night during and after the trip, colleagues commented that I simply looked exhausted. Mentally I also strangely felt a bit like a deflated party balloon. I wondered if this was being experienced only by me and decided to phone Charlie to hear her whole family was quite ill and recovering in bed post the Sani-expedition. Marlene was living it up in the Cape with her sister with good helpings of pasta and red wine. Jerome was as usual blogging with fervour and disseminating the trip information he had gathered into various facebook, photobucket , twitter and e-mail accounts. 

Life had moved on and away from Sani. As the days post Sani lengthened I felt my energy levels soar and return back to normal. Only then did I start registering what we actually had accomplished. Vespa , friends, family and colleagues all wanted to hear about the great adventure. E-mails from far and wide started coming in saying well done. I realized we had done something quite unique and admirable.

Jerome - Now who do you call the Posers and who has the bigger balls...

Magda - Ag how wonderful, now we have done the impossible! What a feeling!  Must say us three chicks had the biggest balls , Jerome naturally has balls already so it his doesn't count! 

Ha-Ha!!! Charlie's was made of titanium for sure! Marlene thank you for a wonderful trip-you are the greatest! I take my hat off to Charlie who refused to give up and after falling not once, not twice, but three times she was still ready to try again, unfortunately her bike's ratkas  had taken on some damage from some previous flying activities. Charlie by the way wore wings, which you will see when Marlene posts the pics. Hell if that 300 of mine wasn't so heavy i would have made it all the way, she was just to heavy at 151kg for me to control on ice.

Just wanted to recommend to all that the Duro HF03 tire, it is a 60% road and 40% off road tire. What an awesome tire, I was tearing up the top of Lesotho with it. What fun!!!!! Can't wait to do it again.

Special thanks to Marlene's husband who was so supportive and loaded and off loaded and strapped and unstrapped and has amazing 4x4 skills + also to Gys -what a great bunch!

After we did Sani the big ball story stuck and Paulo phoned me up one day telling me he is going to buy me those blue balls that the Bulls supporters favour so much and which they tend to suspend form towing hooks. Paulo made me promise if he buys me a pair then I have to hook it uder the seat of my Vespa. LOL! I think i'll be embarrassed to open my seat and there they dangle!!!! A promise is a promise and I am still waiting for my balls. If I ever get them, I will post you guys a pic! Paulo recently said he has seen a pair of miniature blue balls which he might get. 

The Great Sani Pass Adventure made it into the Woema, SA Bike, and the Offroad Adventure magazines in the months that followed.


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