14 May 2012

Tintarella Di Luna - Moontan

Just because we can...

Now I just want to mount my Vespa and ride into the night to chase the moon for little moontan.

Abbronzate, tutte chiazze, Tanned, full of spots,
pellirosse un pò paonazze, Redskins a little bit purple,
son le ragazze che prendono il sol, (these) are the girl who sunbathe
ma ce n'é una but there is one (girl)
che prende la luna. who moonbathes.

Tintarella di luna, Moontan,
tintarella color latte milk-colour tan
tutta notte sopra il tetto all night long above (on) the roof
sopra al tetto come i gatti on the roof like cats
e se c'é la luna piena and if there is the full moon
tu diventi candida. you become snow-white (also: innocent, pure).

Tintarella di luna, Moontan,
tintarella color latte milk-colour tan
che fa bianca la tua pelle that makes white your skin
ti fa bella tra le belle makes you beautiful among the beauties
e se c'é la luna piena and if there is the full moon
tu diventi candida. you become snow-white (also: innocent, pure).

Tin-tin-tin Tin-tin-tin
raggi di luna Moonbeams
tin tin tin tin-tin-tin
baciano te kiss you
al mondo nessuna é candida come te. Nobody in the world is as swow-white as you.

Tintarella di luna, Moontan,
tintarella color latte milk-colour tan
tutta notte sopra il tetto all night long above (on) the roof
sopra al tetto come i gatti on the roof like cats
e se c'é la luna piena and if there is the full moon
tu diventi candida. you become snow-white (also: innocent, pure).

Tin-tin-tin Tin-tin-tin
raggi di luna Moonbeams
tin tin tin tin-tin-tin
baciano te kiss you
al mondo nessuna é candida come te. Nobody in the world is as snow-white as you.

Tintarella di luna, Moontan,
tintarella color latte milk-colour tan
tutta notte sopra il tetto all night long above (on) the roof
sopra al tetto come i gatti on the roof like cats
e se c'é la luna piena and if there is the full moon
tu diventi candida. you become snow-white (also: innocent, pure).
E se c'é la luna piena And if there is the full moon
tu diventi candida. you become snow-white (also: innocent, pure).
E se c'é la luna piena And if there is the full moon
tu diventi candida, candida, candida! you become snow-white, snow-white, snow-white!

08 May 2012

Scooter Dog

The other day Poser Magda asked us "what was the craziest thing that you have carried on your Vespa?" Well like this photo above, I have carried three Italian Greyhounds, one in the foot well and two in a basket on the carry-all. I also carried at the same time my son and his two friends around the complex where I was staying.

We've all seen those crazy photos from Asia where all sorts of strange things are carried on bikes but I want to know what was your craziest or weirdest cargo?